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St Therese's Catholic Primary School Monto School Board



St Therese's Catholic Primary School’s Board was formed at the end of 1991. The Board is policy-making body that draws on the whole school community to set directions for the school. It operates on the model of Shared Wisdom which is based on the belief that:

No one person has all the wisdom
Everyone has a different piece of wisdom
Everyone has some wisdom


At different times during the year you will be asked to respond to different issues and policies that the Board is working on and it is hoped that all parents will take this opportunity to participate in the process. Membership of the School Board is taken from a cross section of our school community; Principal, Staff Representative, Priest and Parent Representatives.

The Members of St Therese’s School board are:

Catherine Simmonds

Regional Board Liason Officer

Scott Murray


Emma Cavanagh


Fr Simeon Uchendu

Parish Priest

Jodie Kerr

Board Member (Parent)

Angela Wheildon

Board Member (Parent)

Leiane Nelson

Board Member (Staff)

Del Murphy

Parish Representative

Rebecca Place

APRE (Staff)

St Therese's Catholic School Monto | Prep - Year 6


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