
8:45 AM
School Commences (Morning Bell)

11:40 AM - 1:40 PM

8:45 - 11:00 AM
Morning Session

1:40 - 1:50 PM
2nd Break Eating

11:00 - 11:25 AM
1st Break Play

1:50 - 2:00 PM
2nd Break Play Time

11:25 - 11:40 AM
1st Break Eating Time

2:00 - 3:00 PM
Afternoon Session
(School finishes at 3pm)
A teacher will be on duty from 8:20 am. It would be appreciated if no children are at school prior to this time. One teacher is rostered on for snack duty and others for lunch duty. Of an afternoon, one teacher is also rostered on duty in the front of the school to supervise children going home by bus or being picked up by car. All other students are to leave the school grounds upon dismissal. Those who are waiting to go home by car must wait with the teacher on bus duty.
The school takes no responsibility for students who enter the grounds prior to 8.20am or who remain behind after the last bus has departed unless a parent has contacted the school to make alternate arrangements. However, we will endeavour to contact the parents or their next of kin to ensure the safety of the child.
There is a formal assembly Friday of each week at 8:55 am - children gather in the under the covered area. During our assembly we celebrate a prayer, sing the National Anthem, celebrate birthdays, Honour Special Achievements, and listen to reports from the School Captains and/or Sports Captains. This assembly is seen to be an important part of our school culture where we celebrate the lives of the children, parents and staff. You are encouraged to come along to join in!
Absences and Appointments
Please advise the school of the reason for any absence of your child. A brief note to the class teacher, an email to stm@rok.catholic.edu.au or a phone call to the office 41661654 would be appreciated.
A medical certificate is required for a child absent longer than 2 days in a row.
An SMS message will be sent out to parents if no contact has been made to advise of absence.
Frequently Asked Questions
Shirt (BOYS)Polo Dress Collared Shirt only available from the school office
Shirt (GIRLS)Polo dress collared shirt only available from the school office
Shorts (BOYS)Royal blue stubbies shorts (available from Heilbronn's Monto)
Shorts (GIRLS)Royal blue stubbies skorts (available from Heilbronn's Monto)
Winter UniformIn cold weather a royal blue tracksuit can be worn (available from Heilbronn's Monto)
School HatBroad brim royal blue hat (available from Heilbronn's Monto)
SocksPlain white anklet socks - just above the shoe (available from Heilbronn's Monto)
ShoesPlain black shoes (formal or joggers) (available from Heilbronn's Monto)
Personal AppearanceStudents are expected to take pride in their personal appearance and come to school with groomed hair, no obvious make up, nail polish or stick on tattoos. Haircuts need to be of neat appearance without excessive colours or designs (eg. No bright colours, extensions, tracks or rats-tails).
AccessoriesBoys are permitted to wear watches only. Girls are permitted to wear royal blue or white hair accessories, plain earring sleepers or studs as well as a watch