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Our school uniform gives the school an identity within the Monto community and also fosters unity and equality amongst the students and enables them to displays loyalty and respect for their school.
Enrolment at St Therese's Catholic Primary School requires students to wear the prescribed school uniform when in attendance at school or representing the school in the wider community. The uniform is to be worn in accordance with the school values and uniform guidelines as outlined below.
Shirt (BOYS)Polo Dress Collared Shirt only available from the school office
Shirt (GIRLS)Polo dress collared shirt only available from the school office
Shorts (BOYS)Royal blue stubbies shorts (available from Heilbronn's Monto)
Shorts (GIRLS)Royal blue stubbies skorts (available from Heilbronn's Monto)
Winter UniformIn cold weather a royal blue tracksuit can be worn (available from Heilbronn's Monto)
School HatBroad brim royal blue hat (available from Heilbronn's Monto)
SocksPlain white anklet socks - just above the shoe (available from Heilbronn's Monto)
ShoesPlain black shoes (formal or joggers) (available from Heilbronn's Monto)
Personal AppearanceStudents are expected to take pride in their personal appearance and come to school with groomed hair, no obvious make up, nail polish or stick on tattoos. Haircuts need to be of neat appearance without excessive colours or designs (eg. No bright colours, extensions, tracks or rats-tails).
AccessoriesBoys are permitted to wear watches only. Girls are permitted to wear royal blue or white hair accessories, plain earring sleepers or studs as well as a watch
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