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St Therese's is situated in the rural community of Monto. The school caters for students from Prep to Year Six. Class arrangements are not fixed, being single year level or composite year levels depending on enrolment numbers each year.
St Therese's Catholic Primary School is an integral part of St Therese's Parish, Monto. The school community endeavours to make a large, continuing contribution to the life of the parish and to the civic community. We welcome you to discover all our school has to offer.

St Therese’s Catholic Primary School sits right alongside St Therese’s Church and our the students attend mass each Monday morning as well as participating in school lead liturgies and feast day celebrations with the wider parish community. Founded on the charism of the Presentation Sisters, we look towards Nano Nagle for inspiration on how to be the best version of ourselves through the decisions we make everyday.

We have developed and implemented school-wide approaches to reading, writing, spelling, oral language and numeracy and use the latest data to ensure students succeed. We also are committed to the ongoing inclusion of information technologies within our curriculum to support student learning.

St Therese’s Catholic Primary School offers parents, students and staff an opportunity to be part of a community that values respect and diversity. We encourage all members to excel at their strengths as well as persist when challenges arise through an individualised supportive approach to develop active and informed citizens.